About CV Surya Mas Express

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PT TIKI was formerly known as CV TITIPAN KILAT. It was established on 1st September 1970.. Read More

Senin, 10 Mei 2010


PT TIKI was formerly known as CV TITIPAN KILAT. It was established on 1st September 1970 with Soeprapto and Mrs. Nuraini Soeprapto as the founder and shareholder. By 1972, TIKI's business activity had reached the cities of Pangkal Pinang (Sumatra), Semarang (Central Java) and Surabaya (East Java) with numbers of fleets and personnel.

In 1972, the company went through management restructuring by co-operating with (the late) Irawan Saputra, Gideon Wiraseputra, and Raphael Rusmadi, who then became another shareholders. Together with the development of the country's economy.

Director TIKI became stronger and gradually set up new branches in the provinces. In just one and a half year, TIKI could serve all places throughout the nation.

To guarantee the best service, Today, TIKI has more than 800 service points able to reach various destinations in the country and abroad. With the support of thousands of well trained personnel and its fleet of transportation spread throughout the archipelago, TIKI is a leader in air express industry in Indonesia.

PT TIKI is supported by PT TITIPAN KILAT SUPRAPTO as a subsidiary unit for cargo which handles Domestic and International air, sea and land freight forwarding, as well as moving, export and import services. TIKINDO and TIKITA which handles any travel related services either domestic or international.

TIKI's activities has increased significantly and has formed new branches in the provinces.

With its "focusing" strategy - a consistency in air express industry for more than 38 years the company has undergo significant progress. The trust given to the company is manifested through a working system oriented to the needs of the customers. Internal reorganization is continuously being done in order to anticipate changes in the trading system of the global economy.

BuildingToday, TIKI has equipped its main office with a set of new modern support facilities which form a standard modern air express equipment to facilitate customers in delivering any parcel or document without reason for concern.

Having gone through for more than 36 years in the service, TIKI strongly understands the hopes and expectations from the customers which are: security, efficiency, and responsibility in delivering each package. With its philosophy of becoming the best in its field, TIKI has overcome many obstacles on the way and has taken every opportunity occurred in the national market as well as the international market.

By implementing the professional management principles and with the support of all motivated and dedicated personnel, we will actualize our motto:

"The Indonesian Express Company of Choice"

With more than 38 years on experience, We understand the hopes of our customers: security, efficiency, facility, and responsibility in handling every delivery.
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TIKI delivery schedule has been specifically designed to meet your needs. If any delay should occur in our Holiday Delivery Services, Sameday Service, Over Night Service and Two Day Service, TIKI will give you a Money Back Guarantee as much as the delivery fee.


For every delivery to major cities in the country, TIKI will provide you a delivery report, should you need one.


Guarantee Should we lose your parcel or document, you will receive a compensation 10 times as much as the delivery fee. With TIKI's insurance program, TIKI will guarantee your package safe from any damage or loss.


Our packing will protect your package from any damage and we also provide special packing, should you require it.
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With more than 38 years leading in the courier industry now TIKI has a best reputation to be your reliable partner in express delivery for documents and parcels nationwide and abroad.

Holiday Delivery Services (HDS)

Your package will be delivered on Sunday and any other Holiday, except on Idul Fitri and August 17th.

Sameday Service (SS)

Your package will arrive on the same day. The sameday service will make you feel that you deliver it yourself.

Over Night Service (ONS)

Your package will arrive at the destination in the following business day.

Two Days Service (TDS)

Your package will be delivered in 2 days And if we fail to do so you can have your delivery charge back and we still delivering your package.

Regular Service (REG)

Your package will arrive at the destination in a relatively short time at anywhere in the country.

Money Delivery

Door to door money delivery to almost every part of the country.

International Service

Your packages and documents will arrive in a relatively short time at anywhere in the world. For document shipment to Singapore, TIKI offers OverNight Service with money back guarantee.
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Term and Conditions


Yang dimaksud dengan TITIPAN adalah semua bentuk barang yang dikirimkan lewat PT. CV Titipan Kilat.


TITIPAN akan menjadi tanggung jawab PENGANGKUT, bila mana pengirim telah membayar lunas semua biaya pengiriman dan memiliki BUKTI TANDA TERIMA ASLI dari PENGANGKUT atas TITIPAN yang dikirimnya.Dilarang memasukkan kedalam TITIPAN barang - barang sebagai berikut :

1. Uang tunai Rupiah ataupun mata uang asing lainnya, surat berharga (Cek, Bilyet Giro, Saham dsb), Arloji/perhiasan dan lain-lain yang sejenis.
2. Surat, Warkatpos, Kartupos.
3. Barang-barang yang mudah meledak, beracun atau yang dapat merusak barang lain.
4. Narkotik, Ganja, Morphin atau sejenis obat terlarang lainnya.
5. Barang cetak, Rekaman dan lainnya yang isinya menyinggung kesusilaan, mengganggu ketertiban dan keamanan.

Isi TITIPAN yang tidak sesuai dengan keterangan yang diberikan merupakan suatu pelanggaran yang dapat dituntut melalui jalur hukum yang berlaku. Dan terhadap TITIPAN yang dicurigai PENGANGKUT berhak mengadakan pemeriksaan (uji petik) sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan yang berlaku di Indonesia C.Q. DEPARPOSTEL.

PENGANGKUT tidak akan bertanggung jawab atas hal-hal sebagai berikut :

1. Semua resiko tehnik yang terjadi selama dalam pengangkutan, yang menyebabkan barang yang dikirim tidak berfungsi atau berubah fungsinya baik yang menyangkut mesin atau sejenisnya, maupun barang-barang elektronik seperti halnya : TV, Komputer, Disket, AC, Kulkas, Video, Mesin cuci dan lain-lain yang sejenis.
2. Keterlambatan ke kota-kota tujuan yang diakibatkan oleh keadaan memaksa.
3. Semua penahanan dan penyitaan serta pemusnahan terhadap suatu jenis TITIPAN oleh Instansi Pemerintah terkait (Bea Cukai, Karantina, Kepolisian, Kejaksaan dsb.) sebagai akibat Hukum dan keadaan jenis TITIPAN yang bersangkutan.
4. Tuntutan dalam bentuk apapun atas tidak diterimanya suatu TITIPAN setelah 2 (dua) bulan terhitung tanggal pengiriman.
5. Kerusakan atau kehilangan, yang diakibatkan huru-hara, bencana alam, perang, pembajakan (Force Majeure).
6. Kebocoran, kerusakan, basah, busuk atau mati untuk jenis TITIPAN seperti : barang cair, barang pecah- belah, cetakan, makanan atau buah-buahan, binatang hidup, tumbuh-tumbuhan dll.

Sarana angkutan untuk tujuan beberapa kota tertentu dan atau dalam keadaan terpaksa, maka PENGANGKUT, tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu, mempunyai hak untuk menggunakan sarana transportasi laut, sungai, darat, untuk melaksanakan pengiriman semua TITIPAN ke tujuan masing-masing.

Bilamana tidak ada keluhan (claim) dari penerima pada saat TITIPAN diserahkan, maka TITIPAN dianggap telah diterima dengan baik dan benar.

Bilamana terjadi kehilangan/kekurangan atas TITIPAN, penggantian meksimum hanya 10 (sepuluh) kali biaya pengiriman yang hilang/kurang saja. Kacamata dan barang kiriman yang bernilai tinggi WAJIB diasuransikan. Untuk TITIPAN yang diasuransikan, penggantian kerugian diselesaikan sesuai dengan peraturan Polis Kontrak Asuransi Jasa TITIPAN. Premi Asuransi dibayar oleh pengirim.

Semua Claim hanya dapat diselesaikan di Kantor kirim Perusahaan, Pengajuan Claim harus melampiri :

1. Berita acara yang ditandatangani Penerima dan petugas PENGANGKUT ditujuan.
2. Dokumen-dokumen pendukung antara lain : Faktur kwitansi dari TITIPAN ybs, Bukti Tanda Terima Asli dari PENGANGKUT atas TITIPAN yang bersangkutan.
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